Goa IT Professionals (GITP) is a registered apolitical association of passionate Goans from the Indian and global IT-ITeS industry who realize that IT-ITeS industry is one of the most Green, Clean and Intellectual industries ideally suited for the highly creative, passionate, literate and, environmentally and identity-conscious Goan people, and, to Goa for its semi-urban infrastructure across the state with reasonably stable electric power supply and high-speed broadband network – 2 key essentials for IT-ITeS industry. However, the traditional Indian IT-ITeS model based on large IT Parks for economies of scale – which has led to widespread urban saturation nearing un-sustainability in some places – needs significant adaptation leveraging latest ICT advancements for long-term success in a unique place like Goa besides addressing the very valid Goan concerns on protection of local identity, heritage, environment, sustainability and employment. We believe if done right, the Goan IT-ITeS industry will stimulate the other related industries thus improving the overall economy and employment situation. This will help reverse the prevalent brain drain of the Goan educated workforce and eventually, our dream of living and working in our beloved Goa will come true!

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