Goa Skills Registry

Goa Skills Registry (GSR) is an attempt to bring together all Goan skillset available. Whether in Goa or elsewhere, Professionals in any field or function or industry is welcome to register on GSR. Mr. Jervis Pereira, Director of Goa IT Incubation Centre (GITIC) inaugurated GSR in front of the Press community of Goa on 19th September, 2015 in the Goa State Central Library, Patto-Panjim. Hundreds have registered already on GSR and the number is still counting. If you haven’t registered as yet then please hurry. GSR is open for all professionals with Goan connections/roots, whether you are currently in Goa or elsewhere, from any field or function or industry. You are welcome to be counted on GSR.

[If the form is not accessible, your network may have blocked it. Please access from an unrestricted network.]

Alternatively you can access the Registry on http://goo.gl/forms/Z4Qd3CU8s0